A New Year's Competition

Happy New Year!

'Tis the season to make resolutions and I've got one for you. But don't worry...I won't be keeping score (it's not really about you anyways). A little friendly competition on the honor system.

Attend church every week in 2014.

I plan on writing a series of posts over the next month or so, explaining why I think public worship is so important and why you guys make Sundays great. For now, just the rules.

  1. Open to all members and regular attenders.
  2. You must be 15 years or older as of January 1, 2014.
  3. Attend at least one public worship service per week.
  4. You get 3 sick days. Use them wisely.
  5. If you can't be with your home church (travel, snow, etc.), attend a service elsewhere.
  6. Attend all 52 weeks and you win accolades and prizes on January 4, 2015.

I know not everyone will be able to take up this challenge, and that's ok. Don't feel left out. Cheer on those who can. The goal isn't to create two groups (those with perfect attendance and those without). Not at all.

The goal is to encourage everyone to love Sundays.

See you Sunday, Pastor Eric

SundaysEric Turbedsky