Why Every Guest Matters

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You reached out to the man on the left (in black). His name was Jeffrey. He played in our Turkey Bowl 2 years ago. Alex saw him just last week and now he's gone.

Jeffrey was found dead of a gunshot wound.

This reminds us of why Orange County visits our church every week, at every event, even in our small groups. For whatever reason, they come to us listening and watching. Often times hurting and confused. Sometimes once. Sometimes for a season.

A few of them will open up immediately. Most are quiet and reserved and only handful are disruptive or offended. But each and every one of them need Jesus. This we can be sure of.

Every guest matters.

Let us take Jeffrey's story to heart. May we treat every guest as if it were the last time he or she will ever set foot in a church. Or will ever hear the gospel again.

Let us extend a hand of friendship and welcome them into our homes. May we never shrink back from sharing the hope we have in Christ and from proclaiming the message of forgiveness and freedom.

The city is among us every week. May each and every one of us truly love the lost and win souls for Christ.

Then he said to his disciples, β€œThe harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matt. 9:37-38 ESV)

Church Staff