52 SUNDAYS: What About The Superbowl?


This year we're challenging our members and regular attenders to attend a church service every week in 2014. You can read more about the 52 SUNDAYS challenge here. This article is part of a series of articles about 52 SUNDAYS.

What about the Superbowl?

Ever get the feeling like all the fun stuff happens on Sundays? While we are in church?! Ugh.

I know the Superbowl doesn't start until after our service, but you can't rush bacon ribs and tater tots. They take time! And if it's not the Superbowl, then it's something else. BTW...my dream is to go to one of those fancy Sunday brunches. Ever notice they don't advertise Monday Brunches? I do.

What about fun?

So what it really comes down to is fun, right? It's fun to watch the Superbowl. It's fun to shop at a swap meet. It's fun to go to a festival, read the newspaper at Cafe Lucca, or to even run in a marathon. Whatever floats your boat...if it's fun then people are probably doing it on Sunday mornings.

Every Sunday morning.

You and I make a choice every Sunday morning. Some weeks it's easier than others, but it's still a choice.

What would be the best way to spend this Sunday?

Why has God given me this Sunday?

Who is this Sunday about?

Who decides how I spend this Sunday?

Is this even my Sunday to spend?

I think the big challenge for us is to start by renewing our mind and breaking free of the culture we live in. Question the very questions we have been trained to ask.

The Pursuit of Happiness

It's our inalienable right. We get to pick. We're the land of the free. We do what we want, when we want, if we want...and you can't stop me.

But that's not true. 

Apart from the saving power of Jesus Christ, we are slaves to our pursuit of happiness. And our pursuit of happiness was misguided and flawed and hopeless. I wanted a thousand Superbowls and yet not one of them ever made me truly, lastingly happy.

No Superbowl will be enough.

Go ahead and spend some Sundays doing things other than gathering with your church to love your God. Missing one or two Sundays probably won't make much of a difference...at least not to you. But I believe you were saved for something better. You were freed to love something more. You're consistent participation in Sundays week after week will produce more fun than this world will ever enjoy.

SundaysEric Turbedsky