Sunday Announcements

1.   Tea.ology - It's finally coming together!  A new group is forming at our church for the ladies 18 and older to learn and talk about God.  Wendy Macadam will be leading our discussions so please pray for her as she begins to prepare while working full time!  Our first meeting will take place at Cafe Lucca in downtown Orange on Friday, October 11 at 7pm.


2.  Starting Point - Our newcomers and membership class is starting soon and registration is now open!  Please join us for 5 weeks as we discuss how we do church and what our church believes.  


3.  WorshipGod 14 - We will again be hosting the one and only WorshipGod conference in 2014.  Thanks for being a church that loves to serve and share everything we have for the advance of the gospel and the love of God. 


Listen again as Eric teaches us from Revelation 12. 

Church Staff