Dustin's Internship Testimony

Last week Dustin Smetona wrapped up his year long internship with us. He's not going anywhere and everyone was very pleased with all that we learned this past year. Dustin is a great guy with a good chance of Pastoral Ministry in his future. We couldn't be more grateful to God for the Smetonas!

Dustin shared the following testimony during our service... 


I have so many people to thank for this internship.

There’s my wife whose sacrificed time and effort to free me to do this. There’s family, friends, and others outside the church who gave financially. There are former church leaders and professors who invested in me. The list goes on. And my gratitude overflows to them all.

And then there’s you, Sovereign Grace. You have labored to train and assess me for ministry. You offered me the opportunity to explore my calling. You patiently lent your ears as I learned to preach. You encouraged me as I’ve learned to lead.

You made my internship a delight. 

Thank you Leadership Council members (Nate, Lucas, Les, Roger). You took the time to formally encourage, assess, and critique me.

Thank you members of our small group. You supported Kristin and I personally this past year and we need you now more than ever.

Thank you Worship Team. You’re the undisputed best Christian group on the planet...not only because of your talent, but because of your love for one another and example of loving God more than music.

And our Pastors (Eric and Mike). Thank you. Your commitment to training men for ministry is a wonderful display of God’s character. I count it an honor that you shared the important responsibilities of shepherding this church with me, that I might grow and be trained, and hopefully one day, become a pastor after the example you two have set.

What’s next for you Dustin?

The answer is simple. I’m not going anywhere. My role with Smetona Photo is evolving and the church leaders have expressed their commitment to help keep me moving towards pastoral ministry. They have encouraged me to continue orienting my life around that calling and around you, my church.

And so with that, we will still be here growing and serving with all of you. And that brings us great joy.


Ministries, SundaysChurch Staff