Changing our Youth Ministry


This September we are making significant changes to the way we minister to teenagers. We still believe young people are called to love Jesus, live for Jesus, and be members of HIs church. We also still believe Christian parents play a primary role in discipling their children.

Our new format is simply a new strategy. Our best effort to transform Jr/Sr High students into young men and women who worship God.

What is changing? 

  1. Pastor Mike is no longer the "Youth Leader" and David isn't our new one. Let's just say "the whole church" is our Youth Leader now...including you!
  2. Youth Meetings (Jr/Sr High, 2nd Thursday of the month) will be led by parents and coordinated by David Christensen. These meetings are about fellowship, service, and worship.
  3. David Christensen is piloting a teen discipleship program. Teens will be able to apply to participate and our church members will be trained to disciple. More details TBA.

Mark you calendar and invite your friends. Our first Youth Meeting of the year is Thursday, September 12th, 7-9pm. Watch for more info. 


MinistriesChurch Staff