A Letter From Bob Kauflin


Dear Sovereign Grace Church of Orange County,

I’m back and recovered from WorshipGod West and one of my fondest memories was being with you on Sunday morning following the conference. I tried to express my gratitude to you for the ways you served the conference, but I don’t think I did an adequate job. So I’m trying again.

It’s one thing to put on a conference.

Conferences can serve people, equipping and encouraging them in the roles they play in their churches.

Partnership is different.

It’s another thing entirely to do it in a city because there is a group of people there who share your vision, your heart for the gospel, your heart to serve people, and the ability to continue to model what you teach. That’s you all. 

Thank you for being passionate about Jesus Christ and the good news of his coming to die in our place to save us from judgment. Thank you for being passionate about lifting your hearts and voices to proclaim his praises. Thank you for loving God’s Word. Thank you for being passionate about serving people you don’t even know so that they might benefit more from the conference. And thank you for partnering with Sovereign Grace Ministries to see the gospel proclaimed and demonstrated in Orange County and beyond.

I look forward to more opportunities to serve together for the glory of the One whose praises will never end.


Grateful to God for your example of joyful faith and service,

Bob Kauflin

EventsChurch Staff