Sunday in Review......

1.  Sunday School - Every Sunday morning at 10am we have class for adults and teens.  Want to find out more about the character of God, join us as we go through the New City Catechism.  Next week we will take a look at question 21 - What sort of Redeemer is needed to bring us back to God?


2.  Bookstore -   Check out our bookstore in the lobby.  Great books, lot's to encourage and grow your walk with Christ.  


3.  Pray for our Leaders  -  A group of men assemble regularly to provide the pastors with an alternative voice of counsel, a context for relationship, and a forum for accountability.  This coming Saturday they will be discussing everything from internships to church plants to future pastors to the calling of our first deacons. Join us in asking God to be present and active as they meet. 


Listen again as Eric teaches us about the seven trumpets of judgement. 

Church Staff