Rebecca Says Goodbye


I’m sure many of you have heard by now, but I wanted to write and say goodbye. I’ve been job hunting for a few weeks now and God has answered your prayers.

Recently, I traveled up to the Bay Area to work on a consulting project for Cityteam International. It’s a Christian organization that focuses on at risk populations around the US.

God has a plan.

After a week of working together, it was clear we had more work to do. The team had been praying for someone like me and I have a heart for their mission. The position was a match professionally, but even more so matched my heart for the lost, hurting, and church. 

God is good.

Although the task feels to large, I believe God is calling me to step out and trust Him. I reminded of William Carey who said we should always "Attempt great things for God...expect great things from God."

So last Sunday was my last Sunday. I’m saddened to leave an amazing church that so embodies the life of Christ, but I'm also very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of your lives over the past two years. Your fellowship, care and grace has marked me.

You welcomed me.

Thanks for embracing people who are only passing through. Thanks for not holding back but loving us, showing us grace, and most of all displaying Christ.

Grateful and in Him,


StoriesChurch Staff