Alex's Testimony


Alex shared last Sunday... 

Good morning! You know me as a member of Sovereign Grace church, but before I arrived here I was on a long journey. 

I was born in Mexico, and my parents brought to the United States when I was 3 years old. By the grace of God, I was saved through a ministry in Santa Ana, were I was tutored, mentored, and ministered to. Although I was able to attend school, I was unable to work due to my legal status. And so, instead of working illegally I chose to volunteer at that Santa Ana ministry (Lighthouse Community Center).

This past year my situation changed.

Seven years after graduating High School, a law passed allowing me to apply for a work permit. And this past May I was approved! I can now get a job. I can now get a driver’s license.

As you can imagine, these past years have been difficult. I knew what was right but needed to wait. There were times when I felt hopeless and stuck and sad that I couldn’t work. And even more so because I wanted to marry Darina.

Waiting was hard.

Darina had to wait too but no longer! We are engaged and I’m in awe of how God works things out. She stuck with me all these years and now we are going to get married. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She’s a gift from God to me.

Darina was worth waiting for.

As all of this now unfolds, the Lord is working everything out step by step. A couple weeks ago I was offered a job in that same ministry where I’ve been volunteering and I really wanted it. But it also meant leaving you to join their church.

And I believe I’m called to be in ministry and I’ve been praying for God for wisdom and direction. This was my dream job.

Even when we have choices, it’s still hard!

Darina and I have decided to remain here with you. I’ve made this choice to stay at Sovereign Grace because it is worth it and I value being here and being in fellowship with you. I didn't want to trade my spiritual growth in Christ for a job. Everyone here at Sovereign Grace has loved Darina and I…you’ve accepted us, prayed for us and been there for us. My heart has been transformed the last 2 years.

Thank you with all my heart for being such an amazing place that I call home.

So now I’m waiting again.

I need a job.

I know God will provide as he has all these years. Not once did I go hungry or lacked because of God’s faithfulness to provide and care after me. 

Please pray for me. Pray for Darina. I know you will and God will answer.

He is an amazing Father. He cares for us. We can trust Him.

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