Rebecca's Testimony

Rebecca and her husband recently attended our Money Management Course. She shared this testimony during our service last Sunday...


I grew up in a Christian family in which my parents were very careful to apply biblical principles to their finances.  From a young age I was taught the importance of managing money as a careful steward of God’s possessions.  My husband and I had not always applied these principles to our finances and our differing backgrounds had often brought into our relationship differing views on how to handle money.  That was compounded by the fact that for several years we did not have a steady income, and we felt like trying to keep a budget was useless.

The Money Management class came at the perfect time.

Christopher had recently accepted a new job and we were just beginning to have a predictable income.  As we studied verses and talked through them with the others in the class, Christopher and I had a platform for working through the principles of handling money from a biblical perspective.  We are so thankful for Les and Sue, who have been applying these principles for years, and were able to put them into the practical language of how this looks in everyday life.  

During the class, we put together a budget and talked through our strategy for getting out of debt.  We have made some of the first steps – putting money into our savings account, and selling our car in order to get rid of that monthly payment.  We also looked at the numbers for how much we will save by putting extra money towards our credit card payment, and that was very motivating for putting together a plan to pay it off sooner rather than later.  

We are looking forward to the day when we are debt free!  

Another thing that Christopher and I have wanted to do, is to be free to give to the needs of others, whether that be needs we see in the church, or in the lives of friends, or for missions trips, etc.  Debt has been tying us down in this area.  We were glad for the occasion to carve out part of our budget for giving and we are looking forward to doing more of this in the future as we grow free from the enslavement of debt.

The most helpful thing about this class was the opportunity to study in a group environment where everyone was focused on what the Bible really says about these areas and how to apply what is said to daily life.  Many times an insight or different viewpoint was expressed and it gave us an opportunity to really get to the core issues from many different angles.  It was also encouraging to know that we are not alone in this pursuit.

We are not alone. 

I'd encourage you to ask for help if you need it. Take the class. Share your struggles with your small group. Be a people who rely on one another to be better stewards for God's glory and our good.

StoriesChurch Staff