Sunday Songs 5-19-2013

"Our new song is an earthly song, a song of pilgrims and wayfarers upon whom the Word of God has dawned to light their way." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

Though feelings of wandering and exile often creep into our minds, Christians know their ultimate destination. Our journey will end in God's presence, where we with unveiled face, will behold the glory of the Lord (2 Cor. 3:18). But while the journey continues, we need the light of our destination to shine so that we stay the course. Singing is a steady and wonderful reminder of the hope we hold fast to. Here's what we'll sing together on Sunday:

  1. Forever
  2. Mighty to Save
  3. All I Have is Christ
  4. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
  5. Before the Throne of God Above


SundaysDustin Smetona