ONE Camping Retreat!

A group from our singles' ministry will be roughing it (yeah right!) tonight into tomorrow. They'll be sacrificing all (only a few) modern comforts to appreciate the handiwork of the Creator as they seek to grow in love for Him and each other.

Would you take a moment today to pray for this group? They are a precious part of our church family and we want to see God meet them. Here's a few specific things you could pray for:

1. Refreshment and rejuvenation that they might serve and glorify God more
2. Growth in their love for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ
3. Unforeseen opportunities to meet others at the campground and share the gospel with them

Thanks for partnering in prayer.

Lastly, when you see them all on Sunday, be sure to ask how the trip went! 

EventsDustin Smetona