Sunday review.......

1.   Friday night begins our Marriage Seminar with Garry and Betsy Ricucci, authors of the book - Love That Lasts.  If you have not yet registered, do it now!!!  Invite your friends, singles, married, thinking of marriage, haven't thought about it yet, those 18 and older are encouraged to come learn how the gospel gives hope to our marriages.  Childcare will be provided.  


2.  Newcomers class begins Sunday!!  April 14th at 1pm.  Please register ASAP if you are interested in learning more about our church or pursuing church membership.  This will be a great time of fellowship and introduction to Sovereign Grace!  Lunch will be provided.  


3.  Our church member meeting took place last Sunday after church.  We talked about the current proposal to reorganize our relationship with SGM.  You can learn about the proposal here.  If nothing else, the Introduction provides a good summary of "how we got here."   If you have any questions, please contact either Eric or Mike.  


Listen again to the message about the church at Smyrna.

SundaysChurch Staff