Sunday Recap

1.  Love that Lasts Married people with children - listen up, we have a group of young adults coming down from our sister church in Pasadena in two weeks to do one thing!  Watch your children during our marriage seminar!  Free awesome childcare! Friday night, Saturday morning,  While we talk conflict and romance, and where to find hope for marriages that last a lifetime!  Guests are welcome!  Register TODAY!!


2.  Starting PointThis is our course for people who want to get to know us and our church better (and perhaps pursue membership).  The next class begins in 2 Sundays. You need to register this week. It’s 3 lunches and a discussion at a pastors house after a Sunday service. 


3.  Member Meeting - We will be having a Church Member meeting next week after the service.  We are preparing as a church to cast our vote to form a brand new church denomination. If you are a member or regular attender, please don’t miss this. Bring a lunch and joins us!!


Missed the great Easter sermon - here's your chance to hear it!! 

SundaysChurch Staff