3 Easter Invitations

Cities have rhythms...busy times, quiet times, times of celebration and times of contemplation. Seasons play a part. Holidays play a part. School schedules too.

Our city celebrates Easter.

Even if they don't understand what the church is celebrating. Even if they don't believe what we believe. Still families will gather, business will close, and people will feast. 

Some will visit a church. 

Let's be the church where our city feels welcome to stop in and hear the Good News of the Resurrection! Let's preach the gospel to the lost on Sunday, March 31st!

Three ways we can work together: 

  1. Pick up some Easter invites on Sunday and distribute them to your friends, coworkers, classmates, supermarket checkout guys, barristas, barber, massage therapist, tattoo artist, coach, landscaper, landlord, neighbor, teacher, clients, and awkward gym buddies.
  2. Replace your Facebook cover photo with an easter invite (Click here.)
  3. Distribute flyers door-to-door on Saturday evening, March 30th, 6:00pm. We'll meet outside the church offices, break into groups, and canvas the neighborhoods.