Sunday Recap

1.  Janitors 4 Jesus will be helping a family this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  If you are interested in helping one or more days, please sign-up here.  This is a great way to interact with Old Towne Orange.  

2.  Does your marriage find its purpose primarily in God?  Does your marriage find its hope in the gospel of grace?  Does your marriage find its home in the local church?  Join us for a Marriage Seminar with Gary and Besty Ricucci, authors of Love that Lasts, April 13-14.   

3.  Beginning February 10th, our Adult Sunday School class will begin a study through The New City Catechism.  Download the app.  Watch the videos.  Come to class ready to grow. 

Listen again to this weeks sermon as Dustin Smetona introduces us to Philemon.

SundaysChurch Staff