Welcome Back

A couple of Sundays ago we recognized a family who was returning to California and our church. This is what Ryan shared...

While there are many thoughts and feeling that immediately come to mind, the best way I could sum it up was family and community.

I have been asked many times in our current season of life, what made me decide to move my family across the country to choose a school in California. Many expected me to choose what they considered to be a more appropriate schools for me on the East Coast, but there was one thing that those schools were not offering and that is the love of a community and family like Sovereign Grace Church.

I find this hard to explain.

The truth is many don't understand my response since we have very little blood relatives near by in California. Many find it hard to make the correlation between church and family and community. But the reality is, God has graciously knitted our lives together over the past few years preparing us to be here now. We have been given the chance to live life with you again, to grow in our walk with Christ along side you, to have our children grow up together, to care for one another during difficult times. To be a family and community that is committed to one another. To celebrate God's glory together. Being here with you now, has provided such a peace and excitement for what God has planned for our lives together. The opportunity to cultivate a zeal for one another and the Lord...as if every moment apart has been too long.

Thank you, Sovereign Grace, for loving those around you, having grace for those in your life, and giving us to opportunity share our lives with you.


StoriesChurch Staff