Pastor Chuck Smith


Last Sunday, 10 miles from us in Costa Mesa, Pastor Chuck Smith preached his last sermon.

His message was the same message he had always preached, at the same church, in the same city, as he had done so since 1965. It was a just another Sunday. You can watch it here.

My visit.

I still remember my first visit to his church. I had heard so much about Pastor Chuck and I knew friends who attended some of the 1600 affiliated churches. As my family moved to Orange County to plant Sovereign Grace, seeing Pastor Chuck preach was near the top of my list. I was expecting to be impressed.

I was surprised.

The building was plain. The pastor's offices were accessible. The service was low key. The sermon was straight forward and saturated with Scripture. I remember thinking "Do these people know how big Calvary Chapel is?!"

Fewer revolutionaries.

More plodding visionaries.

I learned a lesson that Sunday. Chuck Smith's flight had been delayed and he didn't even show up for the service. I never saw him preach. He sent his blessings to the congregation and the church went on worshipping without him.

The best churches are full of gospel-saturated people holding tenaciously to a vision of godly obedience and God’s glory, and pursuing that godliness and glory with relentless, often unnoticed, plodding consistency.  (Kevin DeYoung)

I thank God for this man. May He join all the saints who have gone before us into the Lord's presence. We mourn with our brothers and sister all over Orange County and encourage all to consider the outcome of his way of life and to imitate his faith.

 - Pastor Eric 


Eric Turbedsky