New Small Groups

When is a Small Group no longer a Small Group? How big is too big? 10, 15, 20 adults? There's no magic number but there are some warning signs. 

  • Not everyone gets to talk.
  • Not everyone gets to serve.
  • No one notices if you're missing.
  • No one notices your hurting.

Every group is different, but eventually (if the group grows) it becomes a "medium group" or even a "large group." And large groups aren't Small Groups.

This is why we start new Small Groups...because bigger isn't better.

Two new groups are forming right now and if you don't yet have a group to call your own, go here and ask for more info.

Turbedsky Group - Wednesdays, 7-9pm in Old Towne Orange

Davis Group - Sundays, 5-8pm in Tustin/Irvine

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