Online Giving

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to receive contributions to our church online.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't give regularly during our Sunday service...your support of the ministry of this church is an act of worship and it's good for us to "give" together. However, we know many of you are not in the habit of writing checks or carrying cash (welcome to the 21st Century!). We hope this new feature serves you.

And thank you! Your love for Jesus is reflected in your generosity towards our church. We thank God for you.

Some important notes:

  1. The church is charged a fee when you use this service. Please consider this as you give.
  2. Your security and privacy are very important to us. WePay is a trusted vendor and the same policies regarding your information are followed, whether you give online or during our Sunday Service.
  3. There are three funds to choose from when giving online: General, Internship, and Benevolence. You may give to any of the three funds at any time (on Sundays you simply note the fund in the memo section of your check). We ask that you consider giving first to the General Fund. This ensures our regular ministries are fully funded. Use the other funds for giving above and beyond your planned contributions.

MiscellaneousEric Turbedsky