Member Meeting Recap

Our Church Members meet regularly for extended times of encouragement, instruction, and updates. Last Sunday afternoon we covered the following topics:

  • Progress made in building a culture of discipleship within our church (i.e. Leadership Course, Preachers Club, Internship Program, etc.) and a hope for more.
  • The need to equip and deploy a new Sunday Team, responsible for making our Sunday Services the best.
  • The Pastors are wrestling with how to lead us more effectively in outreach. Much of the strength of our church's ministries lies in our love for God and one another. How can we grow in our love for the lost and marginalized?
  • The Pastors have begun reviewing the SGM Polity Proposal, with plans to teach on key theological concerns and equip the members to participate in the process.

Look for updates soon and if you have further questions or missed the meeting, contact Pastor Mike or Eric for further information.

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