Rescued ambition.

The Leadership Course is an introduction into our conversation about begin a "lead servant" in whatever context God calls you. Open to all men, 18 years or older, and a regular attender of our church. We meet once per month, September through May. Enrollment opens every August.


Class One: How the Gospel Works

Leaders lead people, which means the Christian leader must be skilled at bringing the Gospel to bear on his life and the lives of those he leads.


  • Listen to The Functional Centrality of the Gospel by Mike Bullmore. Take notes and don't be distracted by the referrences to "Care Group leadership." Just insert whatever context you find yourself already leading in.

Related Documents:

Class Two: Literature and the Leader

Why should we read? How should we read? How can I improve my reading skills?


Related Documents:

Class Three: Seeing Grace in Others

Should we commend one another? How can we use our words to build one another up? How can we excel at serving others as leaders with our words?


Related Documents:

Class Four: Gospel-Shaped Ministry

The Gospel must dictate both what we preach and how we preach. What we say and what we do. And everything in between.


Class Five: Receiving Criticism

How can we benefit from the critique of others? Why must we listen and respond?


Class Seven: The Christian Community

What brings us together? What holds us together and defines our unity? How can we ensure Christ is at the center of our life together?
