Ali's testimony


Ali shared this testimony a few Sundays ago...

I was Muslim because my father was Muslim...and my father was Muslim because his father was Muslim.

Our story began thousands of years ago, when our country was attacked and our choice was either to convert to the Muslim faith or die. We had no right to ask questions and when I finally did, what I saw I didn't like. And so I decided not to be religious at all.

I was a sinful man, blind and very negative, always hopeless.

Years past until recently, as Mina and I prepared for a vacation to Europe (from Dubai), a close friend encouraged us to visit a church while we traveled. This individual had done the same thing during a particularly difficult season in their life and was convinced God has answered their prayers.

So we visited a church as tourists. 

The church was beautiful but I wasn't a tourist long. As I sat there, I began to weep. I didn't know why but I just kept weeping. And through my tears I spoke to God and asked him to work in my life too. Promising Him I'd believe if only He showed me a sign.

My whole life changed.

I trusted Christ as my Savior. God changed the very disposition of my heart. I'm no longer hopeless. I'm no longer anixous...even now, when my life is more unstable then it was back then...I am experiencing a peace I've never known.

And this is only the beginning.

β€œFor the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18

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